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Volkswagen Passat in Russia

  • Author: admin;  
  • Views: 1833;  
  • Date: 18-02-2020, 13:11;  

Volkswagen introduced the new Passat, which received many updates. The previous model of the presented car is popular today, but for its manufacturers, the number of sales is insufficient. The main consumers of Passat are people who value good handling and fuel economy. Also, it is purchased by drivers who quite often travel long distances.
The main advantage of the new model is an improved information panel, which is presented in the form of a display. The display is located on the main panel of the vehicle, which makes it possible to control it even while driving.
Also, an update of the brake system, capable of stopping the vehicle much faster, was an equally significant bonus. Thanks to the new brakes, the safety of the Volkswagen Passat has increased significantly.
On the official portal of the Volkswagen company, you can find the most detailed information regarding new updates and the functionality of the presented model. Representatives of the organization claim that this car will be able to win the hearts of millions of drivers around the world.


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