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Mercedes cars will exchange information

  • Author: alexpuskins;  
  • Views: 1844;  
  • Date: 6-02-2020, 02:31;  
“Helping” the driver to navigate the road taking into account possible dangers will be the Car-2-Car and Car-2-Object systems, which in turn will receive information about the situation on the roads by “communicating” with vehicles and road infrastructure facilities. In this way, Mercedes-Benz is betting on software, pioneering the industry.

Meanwhile, the company plans to equip the technology with both future and existing users, which will be possible thanks to the Digital DriveStyle application. With the help of the service, car owners will be able to use their smartphone as a receiver and transmitter of information when interacting with other traffic participants - application users. If the threat cannot be detected in automatic mode, the driver can warn about the danger of users in manual mode. Thus, only motorists located in close proximity to hazardous areas will receive a message.

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